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Monday, 6 December 2010

Help Prevent Heart attacks.: My Other Sites

Help Prevent Heart attacks.: My Other Sites: "I have been keeping really busy this year on my laptop - trying to keep my mind occupied. It's been almost one year since my Wife passed aw..."

John Caldecott.

Healthy Fat Intake

When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available.
This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

Healthy Fat Intake

This information is aimed at helping you to
reduce your fat intake.
The average individual
eats too much fat, a factor that's linked to
a variety of health problems, including cancer.
Diets that are high in fat are associated with
breast and colon cancer, with some studies
linking high fat to prostate cancer as well.

A majority of people can bring their fat intakes
down to a healthy range by making a few adjustments
in the way they shop, cook, and prepare the foods
they eat.

Now days, it's getting easier and easier to control
the amount of fat you consume.
The fat content of
foods are now available through the nutrition label
and through brochures distributed by food companies
and even fast food restaurants.

Click Here to Lose Weight!

You can use this information on nutrition to choose
lower fat foods by comparing products and food
Once you have a rough idea of what a healthy
intake of fat is, you'll know what you can and what
you can't have.

If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.

From day to day, the amount of fat you eat will
Some meals and some days will be higher in fat than others.
Even high fat meals can be kept
in line with healthy eating as long as you balance
those days accordingly.
The average fat intake over
the course of weeks and months is important, not the
fat intake of every meal and food you consume.

Younger adults and high active adults who have
higher calorie needs can probably eat a little more
Older adults and those that aren't very active
should aim for a lower fat intake.
This way, you
can control your fat intake and avoid the many
problems that fat is associated with.

Now you can be a confident expert on healthy eating. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on healthy eating.

John Caldecott.

Click Here to Burn the Fat!

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with healthy eating?
This informative report can give you an insight into everything you've ever wanted to know about healthy eating.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

A lot of studies and research has shown that kids
who eat breakfast perform better in school and
have a healthier diet.
Eating breakfast will help
promote the proper growth and maximize school
performance as well.

Breakfast is often times a victim of the morning
time crunch.
Even though you may be tempted to
skip breakfast, you can simplify your morning
routine by following these 8 tips:

1. Finish homework and pack school bags
at night.

2. Decide on what your children will
wear to school before you go to bed and locate
lost shoes for the following day.

3. In the morning, get up 15 minutes

4. Give up computer games and morning

5. Have healthy foods on hand.
You should also shop for breakfast foods with your kids
and take into account their personal preferences.

6. Set the cereal out the night before.
For younger children, fill a zippered plastic bag
with their portion, then add the milk in the

7. Allow your children to use the
microwave often, as most breakfast foods can be
prepared in under 5 minutes.

8. Allow your kids to eat in the car or
on the way to school.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about healthy eating. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

There are several foods that you can eat for
breakfast, even leftovers from supper if they
are sufficient.
You can eat bagels, pizza with
fruit juice, pretzels, or the normal bacon and
eggs that breakfast is known for.
Most foods are a snap to prepare, and won't take you but a
few minutes.

The next time you are in a hurry in the morning,
remember that you are probably about to skip the
most important meal of the day.
If you follow the tips above, you'll find that you have plenty of
time for breakfast.

Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about healthy eating.
The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.

John Caldecott.

Healthy Eating

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding healthy eating. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about healthy eating.

  • Fight Stress With Healthy Eating...

Whenever we get too busy or stressed, we all tend to make poor food choices that will actually increase stress and cause other problems.
To get the most of your healthy eating and avoid stress, follow these simple tips.

  • Always eat breakfast
Even though you may think you aren't hungry, you need to eat something.
Skipping breakfast makes it harder to maintain the proper blood and sugar levels during the day, so you should always eat something.

  • Carry a snack
Keeping some protein rich snacks in your car, office, or pocket book will help you avoid blood sugar level dips, the accompanying mood swings, and the fatigue.

Trail mix, granola bars, and energy bars all have the nutrients you need.

The best time to learn about healthy eating is before you're in the thick of things.

Wise readers will keep reading to earn some valuable healthy eating experience while it's still free.

  • Healthy munchies
If you like to munch when you're stressed out, you can replace chips or other non healthy foods with carrot sticks, celery sticks, or even sunflower seeds.

  • Bring your lunch
Although a lot of people prefer to eat fast food for lunch, you can save a lot of money and actually eat healthier if you take a few minutes and pack a lunch at home.

Even if you only do this a few times a week, you'll see a much better improvement
over eating out.

  • Stock your home
As important as it is to get the bad food out of your house, it's even more important to get the good food in!

The best way to do this is to plan a menu of healthy meals at snacks at the beginning of the week, list the ingedients you need, then go shop for them.
This way, you'll know what you want when you need it and you won't have to stress over what to eat.

I hope that reading the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you.

Your learning process should be ongoing--the more you understand about any subject, the more you will be able to share with others.

John Caldecott.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Deciding to Stop Smoking: Rising Above Withdrawal Urges.

Deciding to Stop Smoking: Rising Above Withdrawal Urges

When you smoke, your body is exposed to nicotine, a very addictive substance. The longer period that the body is exposed to nicotine, the harder it is for the body to function properly without such substance. This is the reason why people who smoke, especially those who have been smoking for a long time already, may find it difficult to stop smoking. They have become addicted to nicotine, and they will need longer time just to cleanse their system from the nicotine. So, even if they have finally stopped from smoking, they are still faced with the urge to go on a relapse and smoke again. This is commonly known as nicotine withdrawal urges.

Withdrawal symptoms may come in different forms, and has different effects on different people. Some urges may take form in the following:

* Difficulty to sleep
* Always being nervous and worried
* Unable to concentrate
* May feel depressed
* May feel irritable
* May feel the urge to light up another stick of cigarette
* Increased hunger and need to eat

Thus, before you finally stop smoking, you should first have an idea on how to fight these withdrawal symptoms, because if not you may end up starting on the process all over again.

Start by knowing the possible urges that you may experience once you have finally stopped smoking. By doing so, you would have ideas on how to manage them properly when they eventually manifest. There several products which can assist you as you begin to cut down your exposure to nicotine. There are nicotine gums and patches which are available in the market to satisfy your need for nicotine without the need of smoking a cigarette. However, if you choose to buy these products, you should realize that you would still have to stop using them eventually because you would want your system to be cleansed from nicotine.

There are also medicines and prescription drugs which can help you overcome depression after you have stopped smoking. Sometimes, these medications may also help with other withdrawal symptoms aside from depression. However, before you take any of these drugs, you should consult your doctor first so that you would be guided accordingly.

These withdrawal urges may come and go throughout the day. You just have to wait it out until the urge passes. You have to fight hard not to smoke despite such strong urges. After several times of being able to fight off the urge to smoke, you will feel that such urges will become less powerful, and you will find it easier to defeat such tendencies. You just have to stay strong because it is not easy to flush out the nicotine from your body, and will surely take time before you are absolutely cleansed from it. So, as you wait, you have to stay strong, firm, and focused. Try hard not to relapse; otherwise you might end up on the starting line again, and you’d waste your efforts. Do your best to divert your attention to healthier activities so that you will not think of smoking as often as necessary. Remember your reasons for quitting, and hold on to them. The process you need to go through to stop smoking may not be easy, but it shall be worth it.

John Caldecott.





How to Stop Your Cravings When You Stop Smoking.

How to Stop Your Cravings When You Stop Smoking:

The attempt to stop smoking is a very difficult endeavor. It entails will power and determination just to be able to control the cravings that may accompany the withdrawal stage. See, as a smoker tries to cleanse his body from the nicotine that he consumes, the body would continue to look for nicotine for it to be able to function properly. This craving will urge the smoker to just continue smoking so that his body needs can be satisfied. This is where his focus and strength of mind should come in. He needs to fight off the urge in order for him to start a non-smoking life.

Some smokers who are on the process of quitting resort to drugs to assist them during the withdrawal stage. Several medicines that are publicized by media are offered to the public to help defeat the urge to smoke; and they are designed to give pleasure to the brain in the same way the nicotine affects the brain. Because of these drugs, the smokers will feel exactly the same feeling as if they had just finished a stick; so as a result, there is really no need for the smokers to actually puff a cigarette.

Despite the help that you may get from drugs, you still have to put in mind that you still need to exert effort in order for you to successfully overcome the temptation to smoke. Be reminded that the first few days of your renunciation would really be the toughest, so you should be prepared to face the difficulty. To be able to do so, you should try your hardest to stay away from things which might remind you of smoking.

For instance, you may want to avoid places where you may encounter a lot of smokers, because you might be tempted to join their fun. For some people, they try to replace a cigarette with healthier foods life cinnamon sticks or celery just to satisfy the need to have something pressed between their lips; and if it is your hands which crave for something to hold on to, try to replace the cigarette stick with a pencil or anything which may take its place. If you are the kind of person who associates smoking with drinking, then you may want to avoid drinking alcohol as well. Keep your mind of the idea of smoking, and keep yourself busy so that you would forget the temptation to smoke.

If despite all your efforts to avoid smoking, you are still craving for a puff, you may want to try these few tricks just to satisfy your longing:
Light a matchstick instead of a cigarette, and pretend that it is a cigarette stick that you are holding. This trick may cheat your brain, and it may gratify your urge if it does not, you can always treat yourself with a refreshing bath. Think of why you are quitting, and stay focused. Remind yourself of your objectives, and constantly repeat to yourself that you are strong enough to win this battle against smoking. Do not think that a single stick will have no effect on your struggle to stop, otherwise you might start from the very beginning again. And, do not be afraid to ask for your family’s and friends’ support, because in your journey to stop smoking, you need a strong support system.

John Caldecott.





Nicotine Patches to Help You Stop Smoking

Nicotine Patches to Help You Stop Smoking

Those who try to simply stop smoking face a big pain: withdrawal symptoms. Their bodies, which have been so used to having nicotine in the bloodstream, craves for the same amount. Without the normal dosage - yes, smoking is like a drug that's regularly administered - the smoker's body goes through symptoms familiar to those who quit and took up smoking again: depression, insomnia, irritability, and an undefined sense of something lost.

Website and homebrew remedies details some ways to help the quitting smoker get a hold of himself or herself through the process, so that a relapse will not follow after the decision to stop smoking. One way to help through the process is to use nicotine patches. But one should keep in mind that this, too, like a drug, have conditions for it to work as expected on the quitting smoker. It's not a one-size fits everyone solutions, it's not an overnight magical answer.

The patch reduces craving. Contrary to what some who want to smoke thing, the nicotine patches do not completely eliminate the cravings they go through. Smoking carries with it some physical and mental effects on one's person, and some aspects cannot be handled by nicotine patches.

There are also reported side effects of using patches. Some of them just as unpleasant as not having patches at all, as reported by those who had already tried them. These discomforts include headaches, constant vomiting, stomach pains, and nausea. In some cases, these are the outcome of overmedication using the patches; in some cases these effects are temporary. But it pays to know the side effects before going completely headstrong into nicotine patches. Some who stop smoking did so with out them.

So how does one approach whether you should or should not use nicotine patches to stop smoking?

Step one. Don't just rush into buying the patches themselves. Consult with your doctor if you have medical conditions that may get aggravated when you take patches. You don't want to rake in more medical bills on the off chance you get worse.

Step two. Should your doctor approve, the first application of the patch will tingle a bit, so choose a section of your skin that's got less hair. Also, vary the areas you stick the patch to. Inspect the areas well, they should not have open wounds and rashes. Should you feel any sudden palpitations of breathing changes, go to your doctor and have yourself checked out.

Step three. Mind the doses. Also, note that you may have to try lower doses after maybe two weeks, as your body will have gotten used to them by then. These things vary from person to person. Hence the need to be monitored by a physician through consultations. You may experience a surge in appetite, so bear with it.

Just remember to consult with your doctor before you try the nicotine patch, and to stay in touch during the process. If anyone could simply stop smoking, nicotine patches and other 'remedies' won't be needed. Sadly, nicotine addiction is a medical condition wherein your body craves a substance. So weaning yourself away from the substance by getting less and less of it is key to your decision to stop smoking. In this case, nicotine patches help a great deal in dealing with the withdrawal symptoms.

John Caldecott.





Ready to Stop Smoking? How to Deal with Habit Cravings

Ready to Stop Smoking? How to Deal with Habit Cravings

Many smokers have been smoking cigarettes for the past years, or even decade. Smoking has become a part of their everyday routine, from the moment they get up from their bed in the mornings up to the time that lie down again for a goodnight sleep. Just imagine how difficult it would be for them to stop smoking, a long-time habit in their routine, when they have been doing it for quite some time already. This is the reason why when they decide to quit smoking, they still have some cravings from time to time; and at times give in to the urge.

Usually, smokers have really allotted a portion of their time for smoking alone. And even without time, they can multi-task and perform their other jobs while they puff a stick. Just a few minutes is what they need to be able to finish one cigarette, and they can make sure that they have just the time to do so.

Smokers can use all the excuses they can get just to be able to puff a cigarette. You may see some people driving their cars with one hand holding a stick while the other holds the wheel. There are also times when you see a smoker light up a cigarette after a stressful event. When people are having fun, dancing in the clubs, drinking alcohol, they too smoke. And the most common time when people smoke is right after a satisfying meal. When they are too full to do other things, they smoke because they feel that it helps them digest whatever they have eaten.

People who smoke can do so every time they feel like doing so. They may bring up excuses like stress, boredom, peer pressure or just the usual “it’s a part of me” excuse. The bottom line is that they have these urges and cravings which they feel should be satisfied right then and there. Smoking must have really been a part of their life.

But, if smoking is really a part of your life now, how would you handle these things when you have finally decided to stop smoking? The act of quitting alone is a difficult task, but the part where you have to eliminate a practice from your usual routine is a lot more difficult. However, if you are really determined to live a healthier non-smoking life, you will have a way to do so.

You may try to do other things in substitute for smoking. Some people who have tried quitting may recommend you to chew a gum instead of lighting a cigarette. The important thing is that you have something to keep your mind off the idea that you are craving for a stick. You may try munching and chomping on unsalted sunflower seeds, or you may also try going for a walk when you feel like smoking. As you fight the urge to smoke, you will realize that It will become less harder for you to refrain from smoking the next time your cravings kick in. Trying to stop smoking is not an easy thing to do, but with the right motivations and with sufficient support from others, you can reach your goal and have a healthier lifestyle.

John Caldecott.







Stop Smoking: A Friend’s Reminder

Stop Smoking: A Friend’s Reminder

Smoking may lead to an addiction; one thing that is very difficult to keep away from your system. Quitting smoking is a very hard process; thus, if your friend is on the process of doing so he will need all your support to do it. Be supportive and encourage him to defeat his urge to smoke. Be there with him as he tries to stop smoking.

Proper Encouragement

As a friend, your encouragement is your best contribution to your friend's rehabilitation. Remember, with the right words said at the right time, you are able to push your friend to reach his goal. But, how can you really give encouragement without sounding too much of a nagger?

Encouragement follows after a person finally decides to quit smoking. Once he has the determination to quit, you step in to give him words of encouragement so that he will not lose his focus. This is the time when you have to let your friend feel that you are with him throughout this process and that you will stay beside him until he finally reaches his goal. Sometimes, words are not necessary anymore – your acts alone may be enough as encouragement.

You also have to remind yourself of the difficulty of the process that your friend is going through. This reminder will let you understand your friend more, and the better you understand his situation, the more helpful you can be. There may be times when your friend may not stop himself from puffing another stick, but you should not use this against him. Instead of criticizing his mistakes, try to remind him of his progress and steer him away from the said errors. You should not dwell on his mistakes, but on how he was able to correct such afterwards.

And though after quitting, addictive substances such as nicotine and tobacco still remain present within the system of someone who has recently stopped smoking. This is what causes relapse. Thus, the process still continues even after a long time, and you should continue to encourage for as long as your friend’s battle with smoking continues.

Process of Quitting

People have their own ways of quitting. Some say that it is better to quit all at once; however, there are still others who believe that it should be done slowly but surely. Slowly quitting would mean that nicotine exposure would be decreased moderately by consuming lesser cigarettes each day.

Really, it does not matter how one chooses to proceed with quitting. Whatever method he chooses, you should always be ready to give him the encouragement he needs. To do so, here are some things that may help you give confidence to your friend who needs to stop smoking:

1. When you talk about progress, stay positive and inspiring by pointing out the instances when he has really surpassed a trial.
2. Talk about his slip ups but refrain from dwelling on the matter.
3. You should support whatever quitting technique he may have chosen.
4. Help him avoid situations which may trigger his desire for smoking again.
5. Continue to be a friend!

You do not need to be licensed counselor to give good encouragement. All you need to be is to be loyal and one who cares for a friend. Just stay with them, back them up and make them feel that they are not alone in their attempt to stop smoking.

John Caldecott.





Stop Smoking: Breaking a Bad habit

Stop Smoking: Breaking a Bad habit

Smoking is a bad habit that is very difficult to give up. It is not only dangerous to the smoker, himself, but to the people around him as well. Once a person becomes addicted, it becomes difficult for him to stop smoking. However, despite all the reminders regarding the bad effects of smoking to health, a lot of people are still drawn into the aroma of cigarette smoking.

People should not have started to smoke. Because as you all know, once you have become dependent on nicotine, it would be very difficult for you to eliminate it from your system. Advertisements have constantly reminded people that cigarette smoking is dangerous to health, yet it is as if they have not heard a single reminder. Well, people who do not admit that they are addicted to smoking have a really big problem.

Smokers who are trying to stop smoking can attest to the difficulty of the process of quitting. Determination and will power are needed in order for one to reach his goal of being a non-smoker.

Most people would say that a gradual cutting down of the cigarette smoking is a good method for quitting. Small steps are taken, one at a time to ensure that the process is going in the direction that is more beneficial to the smoker who plans on quitting.

Preparation Necessary to Stop Smoking

Preparation is necessary when you feel like stopping. Reflect on your reasons for smoking, and take note of when you usually smoke and how you typically go about it. You may want to deviate from your usual smoking habits, and try things that you son not usually do when smoking. For instance, you may want to try new things as a replacement for smoking, like when you are urged to smoke, you may just chew a gum or munch on healthy snacks. Or, if you really want to smoke, you may do so but not with the hand that you usually use when smoking. If you are used to holding the cigarette with your right hand, you may try your left hand instead. You need to learn these things so that you can make a good plan that you can follow as you cut down the sticks you smoke.

The Beginning of the Actual Renouncement

Get rid of all the things that may remind you of smoking. You may want to keep your ash trays way from your view, or you may also, for the time being, avoid people who smoke. This way, you are not constantly reminded of your tendencies to smoke. Think of ways activities that can keep your mind off the idea of smoking. Give yourself a reward when you have not smoked for the whole day, this way your act of not smoking will be reinforced. You may also want to visit your dentist so that you can get your teeth cleaned from all the nicotine that may have stained them.

Living a Smoke-free Life

There may be times when you feel irritated or depressed; these may just be the withdrawal symptoms. You should learn to avoid smoking despite these symptoms. It may be difficult at first but as time passes by, you would realize that it gets easier and better. Think of all the benefits that you may have if you stop smoking - financially, physically and socially.

John Caldecott.



The Brave Attempt to Stop Smoking.

The Brave Attempt to Stop Smoking

Perhaps, you have heard a lot of people say that smoking is an old habit that dies hard. Smoking can become very addictive, and once a smoker becomes dependent on its substance, he will definitely lose most of his strength to steer clear from such addiction. Despite all the reminders of advertisements and all the warnings given by medical professionals regarding the harmful effects of smoking to one’s health, a lot of people are still lured by the aroma of a burning cigarette; and before they know it, they are already too hooked on smoking to quit it. And then, for any reason, they will begin to stop smoking, but then they will feel too weak to fight the urge to smoke again.

Smokers may say that they will stop smoking in due time. But when really is the right time to stop smoking? Don’t they know that the longer they prolong their addiction, the harder it shall be for them to quit it? Why wait for tomorrow, when you are already a victim now? In waiting, you are just waiting for the consequences of your actions to become more serious than it already is. Listen to what health practitioners are saying; take the brave attempt to quit smoking now.

In quitting, your tool winning tool is your willpower and determination. People may tell you how to go about the quitting process, but it is really your focus that will help you get through the rehabilitation. Just remember that it is never going to be a quick change, it would definitely require you to work hard for your goal. Do not look for the easy way out, keep in mind that you should do it slowly but surely.

Set your goals, and take note of the reasons why you are finally stopping. Emphasize on the benefits that you will get when you are finally a non-smoker instead of using all its harmful effects to scare you into quitting. The reward is a better motivation than the punishment. And as you set your goals, remember that there are trials as you quit smoking, such as the withdrawal stage, and this may be toughest part. You should be prepared when these symptoms occur.

You should plan activities that would keep your mind of smoking. Enjoy sports, or pamper yourself by going to the spa, or watching movies. Try to see how much productive you can be by doing all these things than just smoking. The money you are spending is well spent as well, and it is not just wasted on a bad vice. For the time being, hang out with your friends who are not smoking and surround yourself with an environment that would really make your forget about smoking.

Bear in mind that you are the key to the success of your battle against smoking. It is your determination that will push you to reach your goal. No matter how much people remind you to stop smoking, it is always you who has the last say. So, you should stay focused and determined.

And, you should know that if you are planning to stop smoking, now is the best time. Today is better than tomorrow, and this will certainly make your future a lot brighter and healthier. Do it now, be brave enough to stop smoking.

John Caldecott.



Things to Know If You are to Stop Smoking

Things to Know If You are to Stop Smoking:

You should understand that the fight to stop smoking starts from the moment when you have finally decided to quit. However, it does not end there, because the hard part is when the withdrawal urges kick in and you find yourself on the verge of smoking again. These urges are just temporary in nature, and they too shall pass you just have to fight them when they manifest. So, as you stop smoking maybe you should know ten things that will help you with the cigarette renunciation.

1. Patience is the key to winning over the battle against smoking. The truth is that this process is not easy, nor is it for a short period of time. Thus, you should be patient to deal with the rehabilitation for as long as it takes you.

2. Go through the process day by day. Do not think of how long the process will really take, instead live through the rehabilitation each day. You will soon notice that as each day passes, your craving to smoke gets weaker, and your strength to defeat such craving gets stronger.

3. Do not let yourself be bothered by negative thoughts which may only make you wanting to smoke again. By being constantly reminded of your purpose and your goal, you will be more motivated to end your smoking life and replace it with a healthier lifestyle.

4. During your rehabilitation, you should not forget to satisfy your other needs, such as food and water. A good diet and sufficient hydration can help you flush away the toxins from your body that has accumulated because of smoking. You should also keep your body physically fit, so exercise regularly and then take enough rest daily.

5. Refrain from drinking alcohol, because it may just trigger your urge to smoke. Some people cannot detach smoking from drinking, because these two are very much related to each other.

6. Being stressed will not help you in your struggle to stop smoking. It may only tempt you into releasing your stress through smoking. Thus, you should not be stressed out, especially during your withdrawal phase.

7. You would definitely feel the urge to smoke again, sometime in the middle of your rehabilitation. You may find yourself craving for the pleasure of smoking, but you should not give into the temptation. You should learn to repress this urge, and soon enough you will realize that you are no longer feeling the drive to smoke.

8. The fight against smoking is a difficult battle. It would help a lot if you are able to find someone close to you, or some other people who are going through the same process just like you. It would make your feel at ease and comfortable, and will give you a sense of security that you are not alone in this battle.

9. Do not think that smoking a single stick would not affect your rehabilitation. The moment you give in to this temptation, you will continue doing the same again and again; and all your previous efforts to quit will just be flushed down the drain. If it becomes really tough for you, you may ask for assistance from a counselor.

10. Hold on to your reasons for quitting. You should keep in mind that you are to stop smoking for a good reason, and this should be your motivation.

John Caldecott.



Want to Know the Effective Way to Stop Smoking?

Want to Know the Effective Way to Stop Smoking?

We are creatures of impulse, desire, poor long term planning, and all the bad traits companies rely on to make their sale. But if you've ever made a painful decision to say no to buying something, in exchange for some long term gain, you know what a mature delay in gratification can benefit you. Opting to save for tuition instead of buying designer jeans is a good example So is opting to stick with your crappy-looking buy efficient cellular phone, instead of getting a shiny and sleek iPhone. So is the decision to stop smoking to prevent medical complications from happening to you, and costing you tons of dollars; not to mention preventing you from living a healthy life.

If you've been following the logic of the foregoing, then you already have a clear picture of what it takes to stop smoking. The best way to do it is to fully understand giving it up costs you, what not taking part in that hip and addictive habit will end you up with, and how much discomfort, for a time, quitting would mean, physically, emotionally, mentally.

Will power is the best way. The problem is this method requires your soul to understand, to want to stop smoking altogether. A pregnant mother decides to quit drugs when the medical checkups showed her baby was declining in health while in her womb. A father goes gambling-sobber after his eldest straight-A daughter failed to pay her student loans. A single mom decides to devote more time at home, and leave her night life, when she notices how much her son needs her.

We just need to find a reason. Our will power will provide the strength to get us through our nicotine addiction. It will not be easy. And those who try to quit end up relapsing unless they are convinced, to their bones, that they want to quit. Maybe not for themselves, but for the sake of someone else. A son, a mother, a husband.

Those who go through this, suffer the pains of withdrawal, and emerge addiction-free, report that they feel like having been a different person when they had their addiction. Different from the person that emerged from the addiction. Like it was all a bad dream, or memories of a person just trying to make do with her naive worldview.

The thing about quitting smoking through willpower is that you need no rationalizations. You stop smoking because, insert reason here. And you see that reason as inevitable, as true regardless of anyone else who listens to you. Like a mathematical fact. True, regardless how much you rationalize against it, whine about it.

You will receive all sort of discouragement. Most people have smoking buddies and the media is filled with ads encouraging a life incomplete without a puff. But these will not hamper you if you know in your bones you want to quit because you have to. Not want to. That there are compelling reasons outside one's selfish circle of reasons that demand you to be better than who you are.

So if you want some non-hypocritical reason to stop smoking. There it is. Find a reason. The methods won't matter as much as long as you will is convinced you have to quit. You will emerge a better person for this.

John Caldecott.



Why You should Stop Smoking:

Why You should Stop Smoking:

Dangers to Women’s Health

You must have heard that cigarette smoking is definitely not good for health.
This does not make any distinctions in its ill effects; it is dangerous both to women’s and men’s health. However, you should know that smoking may have more harmful effects on a woman’s health than on a man. A woman is capable of bearing a child in her womb.
Because of this she is considered as an icon for nurturing; however, if with unhealthy habits, a woman may also unknowingly inflict damage to the child in her womb.
Therefore, if smoking should be stopped by any gender in particular, then there is a greater need for women to stop smoking.

A woman may be inflicted with several illnesses if she becomes addicted to nicotine.
If she is unable to live a healthy lifestyle, and if she is unable to eliminate smoking from her daily routine, she may end up having vaginal bleeding, heart attacks, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.
Studies even show that women who smoke are more prone to having lung cancer as compared to those who do not smoke.

Furthermore, when females become addicted to nicotine, it is more difficult for them to eliminate such substance from their system as opposed to males.
Because of this, they have to put on extra effort just to prevent themselves from being addicted; but if they are already dependent on the substance, they should ask for help and supplements designed to release them from such addiction.

Perhaps you are wondering how to get out of such addiction.
If this is the case, then you should know that your first step to a non-smoking life is to know all the possible effects that may harm you. In doing so, you would have a better understanding of the consequences of your acts and thus, it will be easier for you to avoid such path again.
Maybe, you would realize that you do not need to be around people who smoke because you may be influenced to smoke again; or you may refrain from going to shops that sell cigarettes.
As long as you have baby steps to get out from your habit, then you are on the right track.

If these acts are not helpful enough, you may also ask your doctor for assistance.
Several drugs may be prescribed to you to help you with the addiction, some of them may be found online and some are just within your neighborhood pharmacies.
Just make sure that you have consulted your doctor before buying these medicines and that the medicines that you would take are FDA approved.
This is to certify that these drugs will not worsen your condition and that they are really designed to help you with your nicotine problem.

Cigarette smoking should definitely be avoided for your own health.
If you are a woman, you should have realized by now that you have more things to take into consideration than men who smoke.
You are a woman, and you should be the life-giver.
You cannot give a life that is not healthy, thus you should keep yourself healthy as well.
Thus, since smoking is not healthy, you should not smoke; but if you already are, you may want to consider to stop smoking.

John Caldecott.



Saturday, 22 May 2010

Mafia Wars on Facebook

Mafia Wars on Facebook

Altering Medication

Altering Medication should you be taking it?

You are aware that high cholesterol can be very dangerous to your heart disease

and you will find that other serious health problems like a stroke.

You will find that the doctor will suggest that you change your diet and

lifestyle, but then there are some people are just need a little more.

Lipid is a drug that is prescribed to those who have high cholesterol and keep

it under control and keeping it under control. When it comes to the LDL

cholesterol and triglycerides you will find just what undesirable lipids are


If you have lipids that are undesirable can cause you to have a serious medical


If you are at risk, you may want to talk to your doctor, because there is no way

for you to judge your cholesterol without getting tested.

If you are at risk, you may be able to get what’s best for you and a situation

like this; a situation that you correct.

Some of the prescriptions that you can get for high lipids include meds like

statins and fibrates, not to mention cholesterol adsorption inhibitors.

Statins lower cholesterol and assist in the prevention of cholesterol being

produced within the body.

Fibrates are commonly prescribed with them and you’ll be able to use the lipid-

lowering meds to help you eliminate triglycerides from your body.

There are a few different types of fibrates, but gemfibrozil is most commonly

prescribed because it is the most effective one that has the fewest possible

side effects.

If you use cholesterol absorption inhibitors, you will find that you can have a

good start to a long fight against high cholesterol.

They are safer for people who have had trouble with side effects of statins and

are looking for an alternative.
It lowers triglycerides and significantly reduces levels of bad cholesterol.

There are some people who simply prefer to have a more natural way of treating

their high lipids.

You will want to take some vitamins so that you can reduce your bad lipids, but

also increase your good cholesterol.

Niacin is a B vitamin that is taken in large doses in order to lower the total

cholesterol amount, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol, as well as increasing

the amount of good cholesterol.

This is something that you can take without prescription, but you will want to

just with your doctor about using these vitamins and you will not want to take

large amounts of them either.

Fat Burning Furnace!

Your doctor should monitor you so that they can see if your body is responding

favorably and no additional problems arise.

You may also want to think about things like fiber and soy so that you are able

to find something natural for you to consume and help you with the bad lipids

that are in your body and blood.

Natural lipid medications and also prescriptions will help reduce a lot of your

bad cholesterol or lipids and it may save you from developing other diseases or


You will want to check everything out with your doctor before you begin taking


Vitamins should not be mixed with certain meds and that is why you will even

want to ask your doctor if you are able to take such vitamins.

John Caldecott.

More Healthy Eating Blogs Here.

Monday, 15 March 2010



We’ve all heard the “…Oh no! Not that again…” when faced with more undistinguished meals for dinner. These suggestions can add a little spice to tired palates and help you spend less time in the kitchen.

• Turkey Hash with Sweet Potatoes and Onion.

Use three large peeled and chopped sweet potatoes
One large yellow or sweet onion minced
Two cups of chopped turkey (white or dark meat)
Two tablespoons of canola or light olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Sauté sweet potatoes in oil until fork tender (takes approximately 30 – 40 minutes)
Add onions after 20 minutes
Add turkey after 25 minutes

Serve with tossed green salad of your choice
Serves 4 (One of our family favorites)

• Turkey Alfredo with Linguini

Two cups shredded cooked turkey
One half box linguini
One cup heavy cream
One quarter cup of butter
One quarter teaspoon ground nutmeg
One cup grated parmesan cheese

Prepare linguini according to package directions
In one quart sauce pan add heavy cream, butter and nutmeg
Cook over low heat until butter is completely melted
Add parmesan cheese and stir until well blended
Add turkey and toss with Alfredo sauce
Serve over hot linguini with garlic bread (variation: add one cup cooked peas to sauce before serving)

• Broccoli/Corn/Turkey Casserole

One cup butter
One half package egg noodles cooked according to package directions
One and half cups plain, unseasoned bread crumbs
One sixteen ounce package frozen chopped broccoli, thawed and drained
One fifteen ounce canned cream style corn
Two cups chopped cooked turkey
Two eggs beaten
One half small onion chopped
One half teaspoon salt
One eighth teaspoon pepper

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Melt one half of the butter in 3 quart sauce pan until it sizzles (reserve the other half for bread crumb topping). Add broccoli, corn, turkey, onion, cooked noodles, salt and pepper. Mix well. Remove from heat and add beaten eggs. Spoon mixture into two quart casserole dish and mix remaining butter and bread crumbs. Spoon bread crumb mixture over top.

Bake forty to forty five minutes or until knife inserted in middle of casserole comes out clean. Let stand five to ten minutes before serving.

Serve with soup of your choice (tomato soup works well) and biscuits.

• Stuffed Zucchini w/turkey mushrooms and onion in tomato sauce

Two large fresh zucchini halved and seeds removed to form hollow cavities One cup finely chopped cooked turkey (ground cooked turkey may be used) One quarter sweet onion minced One half package (four ounces) sliced baby portabella mushrooms Two tablespoons balsamic vinegar Two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil One third cup chicken stock One sixteen ounce can of your favorite Italian tomato sauce (not spaghetti sauce) One and one half cups unseasoned bread crumbs
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Butter shallow baking pan.
In medium size skillet heat oil over medium heat until it sizzles. Add mushrooms and onions, sauté until onions are soft stirring occasionally so the mushrooms brown evenly. Add balsamic vinegar and coat thoroughly. Add turkey and chicken stock. Cover and reduce heat to simmer. Simmer (stirring frequently) approximately eight to ten minutes or until liquid is reduced to a glaze. Remove from heat. Place zucchini in baking pan and fill hollow cavities with mushroom and turkey mixture. Pour tomato sauce over stuffed zucchini. Top zucchini with bread crumbs. Bake thirty five to forty five minutes or until zucchini is fork tender.
Serve on bed of white rice with refrigerator dough soft bread sticks baked according to package directions.


Patricia de Jerez. Your Gift Closet opened in 2000 and we’ve been on line since 2006. Visit us at We carry a variety of kitchen décor and accessory items. Use coupon code KITCHEN for an additional 5% off any purchase. Always free shipping for purchases over $75. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee. This article may be reproduced ONLY with this resource box intact and included.

John Caldecott.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Food Fat List of Bad Fat Good Fat

Food Fat List of Bad Fat Good Fat

We Love food fat! And the scientific data is clear that the fats on this bad fat good fat food fat list all affect your heart in one way or another.

They offer you either a happy healthy heart or heart failure and death.

Food fat is no longer just about being "fattening." Although there's still plenty of bad fat good fat food fat confusion, scientists now realize that there are some extremely healthy good fats as well as extremely unhealthy bad fats. And some of the good fats can even help you lose weight.

Bad Fat Good Fat Food Fat List

If you're having trouble digesting some of the bad fat good fat food fat details, you're certainly not alone. And it's understandable why.

After all, too much saturated fat or any trans fat in your diet is clearly a disaster waiting to happen. On the other hand, the essential fatty acids are "essential" for optimum physical, mental and emotional health. To clear up the confusion, here's your bad fat good fat food fat list of fat facts.

Trans fatty acids are the real bad fat boys. Since trans fats have been shown to raise artery-clogging LDL (bad) cholesterol and cause breast cancer, they should be totally eliminated from your diet.

Trans fat is created when processed vegetable oils are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated. Food sources include candy, cakes, pies, cookies, pastries, crackers, biscuits, cereals, deep fried foods, fatty meat from beef and sheep, soups, margarine and some salad dressings.

Saturated fats should make up no more than about 10% of your calorie intake. Even though saturated fats add flavor to food and can be beneficial in small amounts, in large quantities saturated fat has been shown to clog arteries and cause other cardiovascular health problems.

Saturated fats are mainly in animal foods, such as beef, pork, lamb, butter, cheese, cream, ice cream and other full-fat and low-fat dairy products. It's also found in tropical palm and coconut oils.

Polyunsaturated oils are the source of essential fatty acids. They used to be ranked highest on the food fat list. But now that food fat is better understood, polyunsaturated fats are known to be a mixed bag.

The reason is clear. Most people get way too much non-nutritious polyunsaturated omega 6 fat in the form of highly refined vegetable oils. This throws off their optimum balance of omega 3 to omega 6 oils.

It's best to use monosaturated olive oil for salads and cooking and get your essential fatty acids from whole food sources. These include 100% whole wheat, brown rice and other whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans, especially soybeans, sunflower seeds and walnuts.

Monounsaturated fat helps protect against heart disease by lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and raising HDL (good cholesterol). The best source is extra virgin olive oil. Other good sources include olives, almonds, peanuts, pecans, hazelnuts, avocados and pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Omega 3 with EPA and DHA is considered to be in a class by itself – even though it's technically polyunsaturated. This is because of the exceptional omega 3 EPA and DHA health benefits, which include reducing your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some kinds of cancers, arthritis, depression and protection against many other painful and serious diseases.

The best sources of omega 3 with EPA and DHA are salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, trout, anchovies and good quality omega 3 fish oil capsules. (Note: plant sources of omega 3 do NOT have EPA and DHA.)

Remember that all fats, bad or good, have 9 calories per gram. So even though omega 3 fish oil and olive oil are great for your heart and bacon fat is terrible, each fat gram adds the same amount of calories.


More Articles.

And PLEASE don't forget to leave a "COMMENT" - Just let me know you,ve visited.
Thank's, John.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Thought of you with love today...

My Niece "Kerry" posted this verse on my Facebook - What can I say...

Thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too.

I think of you in silence, I often speak your name.
All I have are memories and a picture in a frame.

Your memory is a keepsake, with which I'll never part.

God has you in his keeping, I have you in my heart.

repost if you have a loved one in Heaven


Godbless Millie.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


The Links on the Left hand side of the page that say "Heart"
lead to Videos on Youtube showing Heart related issues.
The one that says Heart - "Angioplasty and Stent Insertion"
is what my Wife "Millie" had. But she had 8 installed during
the same operation which took 13 1/2 hours.

She did really good at first.
During the "Procedure" as they call it - she suffered a Spinal Stroke
and a Minor Heart attack.
She was in ICU and then the HDU and then on to a Surgical ward and
to a Stroke Unit (ward).

She faught really good, doing as many excercises as she could bear
Because the Stroke had disabled her walking or even standing up by
herself. The physiotherapists used to come in and help her to stand
and told me what I could do to help (only after I pestered them to let
me help!)
Millie did walk a little - using a "Zimmer Frame" with the help of two
therapists and myself (walking behind her pushing her wheelchair in
case she had to sit down or until she couldn't walk anymore and had to
sit down).

During all this time in Hospital she was taking a lot of Medication.
She had Pneumonia twice - they had to drain her lungs - some bed sores
Swollen legs - so much so that she couldn't lift them (a build up of
fluid because she was unable to move them around because of the Stroke).
Low blood pressure, high temperature, unable to go on the toilet properly.
Dry skin - itchy skin - not being able to eat or drink properly - just
lots of problems - but she was determined to leave the hospital!

But it wasn't to be.

Millie spent (3) THREE MONTHS in hospital laying on her back! and trying
to fight back - I know I couldn't have gone through what she went through,
never. She was really really brave and strong.
That night - 29 Dec 09 - I'd left the hospital at 8.00pm when visiting
time was over along with my Sister - and received a phone call at home
from the Sister on Millies ward at around 9.10pm saying that my Wife had
passed away. If only I'd stayed at the hospital another hour or so - I could
have been with her at the end.

PLEASE leave your comments - they will be helpful no matter what they are.
Thank you, John.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

High fiber food chart.

The high fiber food chart below is as easy to use as ABC. And the ABC ranking for the fiber sources provides you with simple guidelines.

By choosing more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans from this high fiber food

chart and the list of high fiber foods, you can lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease, constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, colon cancer, high blood sugar, diabetes and obesity.

To be healthy, you need 30 to 40 grams of fiber a day. The average person only gets around 10.

That's just 1/3 of the optimum. Studies show only about 5% of the population eat the recommended amount.

The following fiber sources are specifically ranked for fiber content. The "A" category is the highest, with over 7 grams per serving. "B" is next with 3 or more. And "C" foods have less than 3 grams.

High Fiber Food Chart

Category A (more than 7 grams per serving)
Avocado 1 medium
Black beans, cooked
1 cup
Bran cereal
1 cup
Broccoli, cooked
1 cup
Green peas, cooked
1 cup
Kale, cooked
1 cup
Kidney beans, cooked
1 cup
Lentils, cooked
1 cup
Lima beans, cooked
1 cup
Navy beans, cooked
1 cup
Oats, dry
1 cup
Pinto beans, cooked
1 cup
Split peas, cooked
1 cup
Raspberries 1 cup
Rice, brown, uncooked
1 cup
Soybeans, cooked
1 cup

Category B (more than 3 grams per serving)
Almonds 1 oz.
Apple, w/ skin
1 medium
Banana 1 medium
Blueberries 1 cup
Cabbage, cooked
1 cup
Cauliflower, cooked
1 cup
Corn, sweet
1 cup
Figs, dried
2 medium
Flax seeds
3 tsp.
Garbanzo beans, cooked
1 cup
Grapefruit 1/2 medium
Green beans, cooked
1 cup
Olives 1 cup
Oranges, navel
1 medium
Papaya 1 each
Pasta, whole wheat
1 cup
Peach, dried
3 pcs.
Pear 1 medium
Pistachio nuts
1 oz.
Potato, baked w/ skin
1 medium
Prunes 1/4 cup
Pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup
Sesame seeds
1/4 cup
Spinach, cooked
1 cup
Strawberries 1 cup
Sweet potato, cooked
1 cup
Swiss chard, cooked
1 cup
Winter squash
1 cup
Yam, cooked cubes
1 cup

Category C (less than 3 grams per serving)
Apricots 3 medium
Apricots, dried
5 pieces
Asparagus, cooked
1 cup
Beets, cooked
1 cup
Bread, whole wheat
1 slice
Brussels sprouts, cooked
1 cup
Cantaloupe, cubes
1 cup
Carrots, raw
1 medium
Cashews 1 oz.
Celery 1 stalk
Collard greens, cooked
1 cup
Cranberries 1/2 cup
Cucumber, sliced w/ peel
1 cup
Eggplant, cooked cubes
1 cup
Kiwifruit 1 each
Mushrooms, raw
1 cup
Mustard greens, cooked
1 cup
Onions, raw
1 cup
Peanuts 1 oz.
Peach 1 medium
Peppers, sweet
1 cup
Pineapple 1 cup
Plum 1 medium
Raisins 1.5 oz box
Romaine lettuce
1 cup
Summer squash, cooked
1 cup
Sunflower seeds
1/4 cup
Tomato 1 medium
Walnuts 1 oz.
Zucchini, cooked
1 cup

Monday, 22 February 2010

Keeping Vitamin E In The Body - Is It Important?

Keeping Vitamin E In The Body - Is It Important?

Your body relies on you to eat the right foods, making it possible to stay healthy. If you

do not think you are getting enough of a certain kind of nutrient, you should consider

supplements to help you achieve those normal levels. Vitamins are one part of your diet

that you should be careful not to overlook. Among the thirteen vitamins needs in your body,

vitamin E is one of them, and you should be aware of what it does in your body. Simply put,

understand our own health is important because if you do not understand it we cannot make

sure we are staying healthy.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, along with a few other vitamins, including vitamin K.

Because it is fat-soluble, it does not exit the body completely and in high levels, but

instead can be stored for later use and made in the body as well. This is very important,

because it means that we do not have to eat foods rich in vitamin E every single day.

However, it is still important to get enough vitamin E, whether it be through foods or

vitamin supplements.

The main function of vitamin E is to be an antioxidant. Antioxidants are simple guardians

of the body. They help your tissue sustain damage cause by free radicals, which are

unstable substances in the body. Tissues make up our organs, so antioxidants are very

important to keep all parts of out body health. They are also thought to help slow the

degenerative aging process. Another important function of vitamin E specifically is its

role helping the body use vitamin K, which helps your blood clot.

Most people get enough vitamin E when eating a healthy diet. Foods especially rich in

vitamin E include wheat germ, corn, asparagus, vegetable oils, olives, margarine, nuts, and

leafy green vegetables, like spinach. Look on the label. Foods rich in vitamin E will have

its presence listed under ingredients or on the nutritional value part of the label.

Vitamin E may also be called tocopherol.

Vitamin E deficiency is usually not a problem, nor is overdose. However, it is important to

be careful is you are taking multivitamin supplements that include vitamin E. Reports of

taking large amounts are mild, but can give you headaches. It is best to talk to your

doctor is your believe that you are not getting enough vitamin E.

John Caldecott.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Tips to Have Healthy Heart.

Tips to Have Healthy Heart

The first and foremost among heart health tips is that better lifestyle habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack.

You are what you eat.

Better food habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack.

A healthy eating plan means choosing the right foods to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way.

One of the major risk factors for heart disease is obesity.

Fluctuating weight caused by fad diets that allow a person to lose 20 pounds, but then gain it all back, are believed to put additional stress on the heart.

Weight control throughout one’s entire lifespan is the healthiest choice for the heart.

The major causes of heart disease and other heart problems include: being overweight, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, high blood pressure high levels of homocysteine and lipoprotein.

All these conditions cause damage to the blood vessel lining, and this damage does not help create enough NO.

More NO can be created and damage can be repaired through exercise and nutrition.

Gingko Biloba improves circulation by dilating the blood vessels and is believed to protect the arterial walls.

Green Tea has been used for weight loss, as a diuretic and is believed to prevent platelet aggregation, this is the technical term for materials in the blood that bind together and eventually form blood clots.

The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide.

Some herbs, minerals and vitamins that increase energy levels and stabilize them throughout the day include Green Tea, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin C and the B vitamins.

These nutrients serve many unique functions in the body, but all

are necessary for energy levels adequate to improve physical activity levels.

Take a few deep breaths we tap into Serenity.

Simple yoga stretches during the day will release stress. Support from our colleagues will also diffuse our stress.

Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.Take an outdoor break or work out break during the day, be certain that you take time to give yourself a break between producing results. (more on transition time and rituals later).

Strengthen the immune system with a balanced diet.

Vegetables and fruits are important all 365 days of theyear.

Look for fresh produce and seasonal items, as far as possible.

Steam cooks the veggies if you can't eat them raw due to cold weather.

Hot broths and cooked vegetable salads can be a part of a healthy meal.

This is a daily health tip which you can practice as you make your morning cup of coffee or tea.

Stand sideways.

Put one hand on your kitchen counter.

Lift the outside leg straight out in front of you, keeping it extended.

With your upper body straight, hold for a few seconds and move it to the side.

Hold and extend it behind you. Repeat 5 to 10 times with each legs.

Exercise can improve a womans heart health by strengthening the cardiovascular system, and facilitating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues.

It also helps relieve stress and boosts immune function, which can help ward off heart disease and other health complications.

Article courtesy of
Author: Alley Smith

John Caldecott.

Reduce High Cholesterol, Ways to Lower High Cholesterol

Reduce High Cholesterol, Ways to Lower High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a common condition that affects both men and women. Since high cholesterol can cause a person to experience heart disease, and ultimately in some cases, death, it is so important to try to lower it. What many people do not realize is that reducing cholesterol can be as easy as eating the right foods.

Cholesterol either LDL or HDL. LDL, i.e. low-density lipoprotein is the harmful cholesterol. HDL, i.e. high-density lipoprotein is the beneficial cholesterol. Our health is improved when we reduce our LDL level and increase our HDL level. An elevated LDL cholesterol level can result in heart disease which kills a third of us and takes 10-15 years off our average life-span. High blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can lead to arteriosclerosis, i.e. hardening of the arteries that results in less blood flow and so less oxygen for our cells and tissues.

One can effectively reduce cholesterol by adopting a healthy eating lifestyle. Healthy eating means balanced eating; it involves choosing food from different food groups such as lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, pasta, rice, noodles, lot of vegetables and salads. A vegetarian person can take meat alternatives like beans, nuts, legumes or lentils. One should plan his/her meal sensibly to reduce cholesterol. It is better to use oils such as sunflower, canola, soybean, olive, peanut rather than coconut oil and palm oil for cooking or frying.

Your doctor will advise you to reduce cholesterol in your body in case you cholesterol is show above 200mg/dl. Having high cholesterol can lead many health complication hear failure and stroke for example. Cholesterol problem tends to be health problem

for much people. So to protect is much safer than to cure even in fast action. Below will talk about how to reduce cholesterol before cholesterol problem develop to more complicate health problem such as heart disease and hypertension.

The most important step when it comes to reducing cholesterol is diet. What you eat and how it is prepared has a big impact on blood cholesterol levels, and the thing that affects it the most is not what you may think. There was a time when a low cholesterol diet meant avoiding any food that had cholesterol in it. This made for a limited diet that many people just didn’t want to follow because all sources of food derived from animals has cholesterol in it.

The natural way to reduce cholesterol will be to do something physical everyday. A person can do brisk walking every other day while those in between can be working up some sweat in the gym while working on the weight machines.

Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance. So too are the nutrients that can be used to reduce cholesterol naturally. There are a variety of different naturally occurring minerals that dispose of excess cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol buildup, as well as increasing your good cholesterol levels. When you add these nutrients into your diet regularly, your bad cholesterol will start to lower and your good cholesterol will increase. All of this can occur without any side effects at all, making it an effective way to reduce your cholesterol levels over time as well as your risk for coronary heart disease.

Article courtesy of
Author:Louis Richard.

All Articles

Friday, 19 February 2010

Cholesterol Build up.

This Blog will be devoted to Heart related diseases and Vascular problems!

This subject is very close to my Heart (no pun intended) because of the loss
of my late wife Millie - who passed away because an Aneurysm Repair she
had done which had a lot of risks involved and of which - some were Fatal.

More to come. I can't continue right now.