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Monday, 22 February 2010

Keeping Vitamin E In The Body - Is It Important?

Keeping Vitamin E In The Body - Is It Important?

Your body relies on you to eat the right foods, making it possible to stay healthy. If you

do not think you are getting enough of a certain kind of nutrient, you should consider

supplements to help you achieve those normal levels. Vitamins are one part of your diet

that you should be careful not to overlook. Among the thirteen vitamins needs in your body,

vitamin E is one of them, and you should be aware of what it does in your body. Simply put,

understand our own health is important because if you do not understand it we cannot make

sure we are staying healthy.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, along with a few other vitamins, including vitamin K.

Because it is fat-soluble, it does not exit the body completely and in high levels, but

instead can be stored for later use and made in the body as well. This is very important,

because it means that we do not have to eat foods rich in vitamin E every single day.

However, it is still important to get enough vitamin E, whether it be through foods or

vitamin supplements.

The main function of vitamin E is to be an antioxidant. Antioxidants are simple guardians

of the body. They help your tissue sustain damage cause by free radicals, which are

unstable substances in the body. Tissues make up our organs, so antioxidants are very

important to keep all parts of out body health. They are also thought to help slow the

degenerative aging process. Another important function of vitamin E specifically is its

role helping the body use vitamin K, which helps your blood clot.

Most people get enough vitamin E when eating a healthy diet. Foods especially rich in

vitamin E include wheat germ, corn, asparagus, vegetable oils, olives, margarine, nuts, and

leafy green vegetables, like spinach. Look on the label. Foods rich in vitamin E will have

its presence listed under ingredients or on the nutritional value part of the label.

Vitamin E may also be called tocopherol.

Vitamin E deficiency is usually not a problem, nor is overdose. However, it is important to

be careful is you are taking multivitamin supplements that include vitamin E. Reports of

taking large amounts are mild, but can give you headaches. It is best to talk to your

doctor is your believe that you are not getting enough vitamin E.

John Caldecott.

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